Pandemic planning is an oxymoron

“First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is.”

​Donovan Leitch

I realize that song is meant to be more existential but I feel like it applies and I can't stop singing it in my mind with the following:

First there is an art show, then there is no art show, then there is (fingers crossed).

Yep, that's the way she be, as my kiddo likes to say. So what the heck is going on?

Well, in 2020 a local gallery booked me for a group art show that was set to open right about now. Then, our government put us on a lockdown for the holiday season so the opening was bumped to accommodate the Provincial order. But THEN a stay at home order was issued which is to last until mid-February so I felt for sure the show would be cancelled.

Guess what? I received an email today that the gallery is still working to make this happen but later in February when the stay at home order is lifted (please please pretty please).

I will give you dates as soon as I'm able but for now at least, just know that this is still going ahead and with any luck you'll be able to see my art in person, hopefully.



What do artists do all day?


Year in review