I have a beautiful new website!

No one ever said on their deathbed, 'Gee, I wish I had spent more time alone with my computer'.

Danielle Berry

Ahhhhhh y’all! I have been holed up for weeks editing, designing, programming and stressing about my new website.

Why? Here’s the quick version - my old platform was bought out by a Big Corp and as a result they wanted all their users gone so they can absorb the platform and essentially eliminate it. Basically, they kept raising the prices to the point where I didn’t have a choice but to say Buh-Bye. I knew it was coming but still - a month is short time for a programmer, let alone an artist, to rebuild their site. But I DID IT!!!! Thank-you Square Space for having such an easy to use product.

Listen friends, I deleted C records. I added SEO. I made my own 301 and 404’s. I’m sure I’ve missed a TON of things but it seems to be working ok. And if you find something that doesn’t please let know.

I’ve also rediscovered a few blog post gems like this one: What Do Artists Do All Day. (Can you believe someone said that to me? If that happened now I would murder, I swear. I haven’t picked up a paintbrush or beadwork in weeks.)

After manually copying and pasting each old blog post (oh yes I did) I realized I wouldn’t have time to add all the photos. I’ll work on that in the next little while.

Now - onto making ART!

So, what do you think of the new site? Let me know in the comments!



How It Began